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8 Proven Recipes for Remaining Poor

Updated on May 10, 2014

This hub is all about changing your thinking from ‘Life happens to me to I create my own life’. Now poor as discussed in this context refers to a person’s way of thinking. I, as the author of this hub, in no way intend to describe the material possession of a person. You see, a person can have all the material possessions in the world but still be poor in thinking. These types of people are those we call them self-centered, greedy and so on. This in actually fact is the leverage of the poor thinking.

This hub not only applies to money or wealth creation. If you look closely, these recipes for remaining poor also applies to other areas of your life. Let me make it very clear here. These are the so call excuses that’s prevents you from achieving your true potential and the all its benefits.

Few weeks ago, I was invited to attend the launching of Bradwin Publishers in Gateway Hotel in Papua New Guinea. After the launching, the invitees were told to attend the cock tail party. During the party, I met this beautiful girl from PNG. The red wine had done its charms and the girl soon became chatty. After few minutes, she found herself sitting next me on our table. I took the honors to introduce myself. After a while, I asked her where she worked and she said she was a student. So I asked her again what she studied and she replied she took business.

Seeing she was enjoying my doses of questions and her willingness to openly discuss I asked her again what she wanted to do after school. Her response quite offended me which I never told her.


How do you know your boyfriend has no other PNG woman apart from you…He's rich remember, he can have anybody like you who are ignorant of their own self?...

This is what she said “Look, I have a boyfriend who is a white guy and has everything I need. So there is no need to look for a job. I can marry him and enjoy luxury”…And believe me, she said with pride. How can a young woman with full of potential put her mind to sleep and let a man drug her with his luxury and used her. If he really loved her, why wasn’t he around at that very important gathering where she was invited? This is very common in PNG. Young ladies take the easy way out and every white guy in PNG is a sought after commodity as long as he lives in a big house, own several cars and splashes money here and there. I asked her a simple question that placed her where she belong.

How do you know your boyfriend has no other PNG woman apart from you…He's rich remember, he can have anybody like you who are ignorant of their own self?...She never replied. End of conversation as she easily faded into the crowd, never wanting to see my face.


"Never trade your life for another person's riches just because you cant afford it. There is always a way if you have the will.You have only one life..Live your life and not others life"

~Ian D. Hetri

This is what Dr. Myles Munroe described as . I was not trying to offend the young girl. All I wanted was to hit her hard in that short instance so that she comes to realize she has traded her life for other person’s luxury.

When you realize and use your potential to its fullest, you will reap abundance in what you do. You will reach heights you never thought possible. You will do greater things and impact lives of many. And being satisfied with what you do is true happiness. Money alone doesn’t bring happiness. This we all know. Money is just an idea. It is you, who create your own happiness and misery. The rich choose to use their mind to create wealth and abundance. The poor instead use their mind to create some of the highly fancied and best excuses in the world. And as the old adage goes “You reap what you sow”. So the rich sow rich and reap rich and poor sow poor and reap poor. In nature, you can’t plant a corn and expect to harvest pineapple. Or you don’t plant a corn now and expect to harvest tomorrow. There are LAWS and PRINCIPLES of nature that one must follow to receive the best possible yield. Similar applies to the world of success. There are LAWS and PRINCIPLES that govern the success of every individual on earth.

In have written a great deal about Rich Vs Poor Thinking and how they use the Power of Leverages to become who they are, either rich or poor and I have took the time to explore the world of the young tycoons and bring to you few examples of young men and women who used the power of leverage to amass greater wealth.

As a contributor to PNG Book Club blog, I have also published a short article on the Power of Words that also looked at leverages to give a broader understating of the power of words and how reading helps, in this respect. PNG Book Club is a club, few friends and myself decided to come together to form to address the high illiteracy rate in Papua New Guinea. Despite its economic boom in the last 6 years, PNG’s literacy rate is very low, 58.3 as quoted by Professor David Kavanamur, the director general of PNG Vision 2050. PNG Visions 2050 gives directive principles and the strategic direction PNG should take and dream the country wish to achieve comes year 2050.

If you follow through the Rich Kid Hub Series, you will find a huge difference in the way these young tycoons think as opposed to other ordinary young people of the similar age. Instead of using the proven recipes for remain poor, they use the proven recipes for gaining more wealth. They have mastered the art of using different leverages to get more done with less effort and achieve greater results. And this is how best I can define leverage.

So without further due, let me list the only ten recipes I have discovered over the years of studying successful people and poor people.

Recipe 1: I can’t do it (Lack of self-confidence)

The moment the poor say I can do it, their conscious mind instructs the subconscious mind that nothing can be done. It gets wired. End of story.

Recipe 2: I can’t afford it(Lack of self-confidence)

The word CAN’T puts poor people’s mind to sleep. Asking how I can afford it instead of saying I can’t afford it put the mind to motion trying to find ideas as to how you can afford that thing you desire.

Recipe 3: It’s impossible (Lack of faith)

Something is only impossible to the extent of your reality or context. No one in that time thought man would one day fly like birds. Write brothers thought possible.

Recipe 4: I once tried it and it never work so it’ll never work again (Lack of hope)

Donald Trump went broker four times but he still remains a billionaire. Because he never gives up. Abraham Lincoln lost many times before he became US President. Failing once in not a good enough reason to stop trying. Instead learn from it and better it the next time.

Recipe 5: I don’t have a degree (Lack of self-confidence and knowledge)

If you say this, you haven’t studied the world of rich and famous. Let alone read a book about a really wealthy person in the world. Most historical achievers are college drop outs. Search the history of many millionaires and you will find most with less formal education but more self-thought knowledge.

Recipe 6: I don’t have time (Lack of motivation)

If you don’t have time and if you not successful as yet, where is your time going? Someone using your time to get richer and you remain poor and broke? You and your time being used as leverage by another person to create his wealth?

Recipe 7: I am right and you are wrong (Inflated ego)

If you are right, why aren’t you successful? Why haven’t you rich? Don’t be a smart person with broken accounts. I have so many smart friends around. Guess you are too. They will argue with the best arguments in the word without knowing what they are saying….Disengage from conversation if such a person comes your way.

Recipe 8: I am too young or old to do it (Fear)

If you say that, you have been ignorant of knowledge. Why? Because you haven’t read a good book about successful people in the world. Age has no limitation to what you can achieve only if you keep you dream alive. Read the Rich Kid Hub Series and you will see how teenagers have done it.

Self-evaluation exercise

Ending note

I hope you learnt something worthwhile in this hub to enrich your life. I wish you best in life to come. Please take time to attempt the basic self-discovery exercise below.

Question 1

Do you sometimes find yourself using one of few of these recipes?

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If you Answered YES to question 1, List down 5 recipes of Poor Thinking you commonly use

Poor Thinking Recipe # 1....................................................................................................

Poor Thinking Recipe # 2....................................................................................................

Poor Thinking Recipe # 3....................................................................................................

Poor Thinking Recipe # 4....................................................................................................

Poor Thinking Recipe # 5....................................................................................................

List down 5 actions you can take to minimize usage of Poor Thinking Recipe

Positive Action # 1:...................................................................................................

Positive Action # 2:...................................................................................................

Positive Action # 3:...................................................................................................

Positive Action # 4:...................................................................................................

Positive Action # 5:...................................................................................................


Your life is the physical manifestation of your thoughts. In other words, you create your life with your own thoughts. Rich people have come to understand that and use that to their advantage. It is a leverage to the rich. Hope you learnt some simple excuse that keeps you from achieving your golden dream. Please go back and follow the links and read other hubs to get the bigger picture.

Question 2

Have you learnt something useful in this hub?

See results

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