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Effective delegation of tasks|How to effectively delegate to achieve maximum results

Updated on July 18, 2012
Women Listening
Women Listening | Source

Delegation literary means giving others the right to make decisions for you. Someone will decide on your behalf. Lets put it another way. When you delegate, some of your authority will be given away to whom you delegate the tasks to.

The fundamental reason being delegation is to share responsibilities or expertise efficiently and effectively to maximize desired outputs.

The question is, how do you delegate effectively? Not to worry. I have produced this hub just to answer that question.

Surprisingly enough, you don't really need a management degree to do effective delegation. believe me when I say this because most of my managerial duties don't require me to use my degree. OK. No text books and lectures. I don't say your degree isn't necessary. It is necessary and opened the door to where you are now. All you need now is basic analytical skills as well as logical reasoning ability.

Delegating responsibilities
Delegating responsibilities | Source

This article describes in a very simple manner how one can effectively delegate roles and responsibilities to achieve greater success in career or personal life. Not only that but I also included simple exercise to test yourself. I also included some Dos and Donts of delegation as well as some general guidelines. I believe this is a good package you should not miss.


What authority do I have to write this article

I have been in the area of management and environmental research for over five years since my college graduation in 2008. All these years, I held key executive positions in big companies as well as academic and research institutions in my country. Experience has taught me a lot over the years as a manager and a researcher. One of the management tool that stood test of time and still remains a vital tool today is delegation. I have use it extensively in my young career and I have never g one wrong but achieve my desired results. If I can do it, you can to and that's why I have to show you how to do it effectively.

Do you fear delegating responsibilities

See results

Why should yo delegate?

If you have been exposed to managerial or supervisory position, I assume you will have your own reasons. To me personally, I have only two reasons why I delegate roles ans responsibilities to my subordinates.

1. Delegation allows me to have more time, organize and even maintain good with other employers ans co-workers.

2. Delegation my subordinates to learn new things which they couldn't have learnt if I had not delegated it to them.

To me this is definitely a win-win situation. By this I mean some of your extra responsibilities are taken off you shoulder so you devote quality time to attend to other equally important responsibilities. At the same time your subordinate learns something.

Some DOs and DONTs of delegation

Decide specific task to delegate
Interferre with surbodinates after delegation (Only when it is necessary)
Decide the most logical person to delegate to
Over supervised after delegation
Train the individual if necesary
Overide decisions
Inform others if necessary
Change things behind surbodinates decision

Guidelines to delegation

Here I put together some guidelines you can use to effectively delegate. It's a short list I normally use but you can expand on the list. But I believe the shorter the list is, the more effectively it can be followed. After all, you are just a human being so how can you follow 100 guidelines in a day to delegate a simple task. Sounds illogical and out right crazy uh?


1. Learn to accept results of delegation

Not every thing would happen according to your expectation. Sometimes results wouldn't be that you so much desire. This is normal. You are dealing with people and failures are expected. Accept, learn from the your actions and improve next time.

2. Specify Goals and Objectives

Employees must know not only what is to be done but why, how well, when, with what resources, by whom and according to what priority. Be precise on this information.

3. Know employee capabilities

Find out the right person with relevant expertise for the task delegated

4. Agree on performance standards

Agree on the standard that will be used to measure their performance.

5. Include training

Train them before sending them to work if necessary

6. Assess results

Evaluate the results and see if there is need for improvement

7. Give appropriate rewards

An employee who successfully completes a task deserves recognition and praise

8. Do not snatch back delegated task

This action is a moral killer. You entrust the responsibility and then you take it back again. What kind of s manager or supervisor are you? You only demoralize your subordinates and they loss their trust on you.


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